Example Questions to Ask to Get to Know Someone On/Before a First Date!

Some sisterly advice <3

Be choosy from the get-go.

Trust your gut.

Set high standards.

Be open and honest with yourself about your needs and wants.

NO people pleasing! BE YOU!!

The way a person answers (or refuses to answer) questions says a lot about who they are! Remember, a narcissist will try to turn the conversation around to you, so they can collect data. Be very cognizant if they are deflecting answers or not answering at all.

Narcissists hate to appear weak and dislike any questions that would appear to make them anything less than perfect.

Refer back to our Online Dating Red Flags at any point, but also trust your gut. If you feel like something is up, chances are you’re right. Also you know your worth and it’s the beginning of the process. There’s literally no harm in being as picky as humanly possible!


  1. Tell me one of your most embarrassing moments from high school/college/first job?

  2. What are your hobbies/interests? What does a typical Saturday look like for you?

  3. What’s your proudest moment? What are you least proud of? 

  4. What made you want to meet up?

  5. Tell me about your best friend.

  6. What was your childhood like?

  7. Do you enjoy your work? What initially drew you to the job?

  8. Are you more an indoors or outdoors person?

  9. TV or music? 

  10. Who is the most fascinating person you’ve ever met?

  11. Have you ever had pets?

  12. What is the last show you binged?

  13. Favorite artist to chill to? 

  14. If money/time weren’t an object, where would you go and what would you do?

  15. How would your friends describe you?

  16. What’s a perfect morning like for you?

  17. How do you unwind after a long day?

  18. What app do you use the most on your phone?

  19. What household chore do you like the least?

  20. If you could give everyone in the world one piece of advice, what would it be?

  21. Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?

  22. When do you feel out of place?

  23. If you knew when you were going to die, what would you change about how you live?

  24. If you could go back in time to observe any event, when would you go back to?

  25. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

  26. If you had the authority to change a law, what law would you change and why?

  27. What is your favorite quote/saying?

  28. What is something you’re truly grateful for? 

  29. What are you looking for? 

  30. What are your intentions?

Questions that Promote Healthy Relationship Growth

As relationships evolve, it’s important to recognize and acknowledge changes to continue on a path of growth.


  1. What is one difference between us that you love?

  2. What’s something you always wanted to try, but have never done? Should we try it together?

  3. What is your love language? What way do you most appreciate me showing love to you?

  4. How can I support you when you’re having a bad day?

  5. What about our relationship makes you happy?

  6. Is there something you think our relationship is lacking?

  7. What are the strengths of our relationship?