Dating in a Pandemic

I want to start a conversation around this topic to see how other people have experienced dating during a global pandemic.. either online or in person. Have things been different for you than before March 2020? What for you, if anything, has changed with your approach when meeting someone for the first time?

One of the biggest changes has been the addition/normalization of video chatting with a date before meeting them in person. Do you do this?? If so, do you feel like it helps you get a good sense of who the person is? I’ve done it a handful of times and honestly, I haven’t felt it’s made much of a difference in weeding out quality candidates. The only benefit I see to it is confirming the identity of the person you’ve matched with (which can be a HUGE plus if you’re someone who has been catfished many times). This is a whole other conversation, but when I’m talking to my guy friends (or online dates) about their previous online dating experiences almost ALL of the men I speak to talk about being catfished by a female; aka that the woman’s pictures were a few months old. Not for nothing, but this “safety feature” seems to be placing a band-aid over a much larger issue and the demographic it’s catering to is not the one that has been constantly put in harms way by the use of the apps.

If/when you do meet someone in person, is your process different than what it was pre-pandemic? Are you more apt to choose an outdoor public location? Are you more or less likely to kiss the person? [Hey, nothing wrong with wanting a little physical touch in your life ;) !]

Drop some comments below on your thoughts on pandemic dating! We’d love to have a bigger conversation around this topic!


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